Environmental Aquaitc Management(EAM)
offers non-restricted aquatic herbicides, algaecides and
dyes for sale. There has been a dramatic change in the
laws that govern
all aquatic applications of any product. The new EPA law
requires that
anyone who applies any products to any sized lake or
pond must have an
EPA NPDES Permit. This applies to everyone on all sized
ponds and lakes
and all products including bacteria, enzymes and dyes.
There are no
exceptions to this permit. There are some exemptions to
some parts of
the permit, but the permit, by law, must still be
obtained prior to any
application being made. Even private homeowners on their
own backyard
small pond must legally have a permit. EAM can answer
any questions on
this matter. Kevin Dahm (Owner/Founder) has been working
with the EPA
on this issue since 2006 to the present and knows this
new law in
depth. For one low application fee EAM, with 20 years of
expertise, can make the needed applications for you. The
permit and all
required paperwork, mapping and documentation are
included at no
offers several different choices in algaecides.
products are EPA registered, approved and labeled.
There are no
restrictions on swimming, fishing or irrigation on
any of these
algaecides. Extra lables and MSDS sheets available
upon request. |
Liquid (1 gal. containers)
A chelated copper formulation that stays in the
water longer that
traditional copper sulfate. Cutrine controls a
broad range of
filamentous and microscopic algae and is the most
widely used
Ultra (2.5 gal. containers)
This chelated copper product contains a surfactant
for control of
resistant filamentous algae, microscopic algae and
is labeled as a
cyanobacteriacide. |
Plus Granular (#30 bags)
This granular formula is ideally suited for a
variety of bottom growing
algae and for use off docks, beaches and spot
treatment. |
(5 gal. containers)
Clearigate is a chelated copper, surfactant added
formula that controls
filamentous algae, chara, nitella and a wide
variety of aquatic plants.
Captain (1 gal. containers)
Captain is an Economical choice for control of
filamentous algae and
planktonic algae.
(#50 bags)
A non copper option specifically designed for
control of blue-green
algae and cyanobacteria
Clean Pro (#50
A non-copper based, EPA approved algaecide that
controls a wide variety
of algae including blue green and other
microscopic algae.
offers several different choices in herbicides.
All products are EPA
registered, approved and labeled. There are some
restrictions on
swimming, fishing or irrigation on any of these
algaecides. Read and
follow label instructions before use. Extra labels
and MSDS sheets
available upon request. |
(1 gal. containers)
Reward controls a wide variety of aquatic plants
and can also be used
for resistant filamentous algae control
Aquathol K
(2.5 gal. containers)
Aquathol K controls a wide variety of aquatic
plants and is especially
effective on pond weeds like curly leaf pondweed.
Super K Granular (#10 & #25 Pails)
Formulation of Aquathol K also controls a wide
variety of aquatic
plants especially the pond weeds like curly leaf
pondweed, But is best
used for spot treatments and flowing water
(#1 and #5 containers)
Clipper controls floating plants like watermeal
and duckweed and also a
wide variety of other aquatic plants and algae. |
(#50 bags)
Navigate selectively controls coonttail, Eurasian
water milfoil
& other aquatic plant species. The mode of
action is systemic
to ensure complete kill of the entire plant.
Sonar AS
(Qt. and 1 gal. containers)
Sonar A.S., provides systemic control of some
aquatic weeds for a year
or longer. Specifically designed to control Exotic
species like milfoil
and no effect the native species of submerged
weeds. Also controls
duckweed and watermeal.
(2.5 gal. containers)
Refuge is specifically designed to control
broadleaf plants like lily
pads and shoreline plants like cattails and reed
offers several organic aquatic dyes. Aquatic dyes
shad out sunlight and
curb algae growth. There are no restrictions on
swimming, fishing or
irrigation on any of these dyes. Extra lables and
MSDS sheets available
upon request. |
(1 gal.
Aquashade is an organic dye that shades out
sunlight curbing algae
growth. It contains both blue and yellow dyes.
Aquashade is the only
EPA labled aquatic dye on the market.
Select (1
gal. containers)
Cygnet Select is an organic water dye that will
color the water a deep
rich blue, shading out the sunlight. It is a good
economical choice for
a lake or pond dye.
packets per box)
Aquashadow is easy to apply in a water soluble
bag. Just throw it in
the pond and it will create a natural blue color.